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Part Title:
K3359-KR8R2100HW - Magnum Pro 550 A/C Thru Arm - KR8R2100HW


Part Number: K3359-KR8R2100HW
Description: Magnum Pro 550 A/C Thru Arm - KR8R2100HW
Product Series: K3359-KR8

Availability: Call for availability
Core Exchange: Not accepting at this time
Repair: Not offering at this time

Special Note: Purchase only. 1 Yr Wrnty. 30 day returns w/ 25% restock fee. Warranty by Lincoln.

Repair Specific Instructions:

We offer repair services for this part. When you purchase this option online:
  1. What you pay today is the cost of shipping and the flat-rate repair fee (if applicable)
  2. We will provide you with a shipping label and a parts shipper – be sure to include the parts shipper in the box.
  3. Once the checkout process has been completed you should expect two emails - an order confirmation email and a second email with your shipping label and important instructions.
  4. Once the part arrives at our office, we will contact you with additional information – if flat-rate repair is not available we will provide you with a separate repair quote.