

Part Title:
Lincoln Electric Cooper Air Cooled Cobot Welding Cart with Fanuc CRX 10iA/L and Lincoln Power Wave® R450

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Our hours of operation are:Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm Central TimeSaturday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Central Time.

We appreciate and value your business.



What’s Includ­ed

  • FANUC® CRX robot with tablet-based teach pendant
  • Pow­er Wave® R450 robot­ic weld­ing pow­er source
  • Auto­Drive® 4R220 wire feeder
  • The Coop­er App
  • Fault reset palmstation
  • Fixed weld­ing table
  • Heavy-duty cast­ers
  • Sta­bi­liz­ing kickstand


Across many indus­tries, find­ing skilled welders is chal­leng­ing. In find­ing the best solu­tion, automa­tion is usu­al­ly the most prac­ti­cal and cost-effi­cient answer. We com­bined more than a cen­tu­ry of weld­ing knowhow (since 1895) and our exten­sive automa­tion expe­ri­ence with your real-world needs to cre­ate the Coop­er Cart. It’s the afford­able, game-chang­ing solu­tion you need to lev­el up your weld­ing and your business.


  • The Coop­er App — Lin­coln Elec­tric cre­at­ed the Coop­er App to make it sim­ple for any­one to pro­gram and cre­ate a qual­i­ty weld. On screen instruc­tions guide users step-by-step through the process of cre­at­ing welds, no train­ing required.
  • The Pow­er Wave® R450 Pow­er Source — Welds with a FANUC® CRX robot dri­ven by a Lin­coln Elec­tric Pow­er Wave R450 pow­er source. The Pow­er Wave soft­ware con­trols and mon­i­tors weld­ing process­es deliv­er­ing the high­est lev­els of weld qual­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, exact­ly what you need to be more competitive.
  • Robot­ic Ser­vice and Sup­port — Lin­coln Elec­tric offers FREE online train­ing, in-per­son train­ing class­es, the sup­port of 275 tech­ni­cal sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and the exper­tise of 115 robot technicians.
  • Safe­ty — Coop­er weld­ing cobots are designed for safe, direct human interaction.

Repair Specific Instructions:

We offer repair services for this part. When you purchase this option online:
  1. What you pay today is the cost of shipping and the flat-rate repair fee (if applicable)
  2. We will provide you with a shipping label and a parts shipper – be sure to include the parts shipper in the box.
  3. Once the checkout process has been completed you should expect two emails - an order confirmation email and a second email with your shipping label and important instructions.
  4. Once the part arrives at our office, we will contact you with additional information – if flat-rate repair is not available we will provide you with a separate repair quote.