

Part Title:
A06B-1463-B123#0121 - AC SPNDL MDL A1.5/22000IT, FLANGE, SLK, REAR, MZI


Part Number: A06B-1463-B123#0121
Description: AC SPNDL MDL A1.5/22000IT, FLANGE, SLK, REAR, MZI
Product Series: A06B-1463

Availability: Call for availability
Core Exchange: Optional
Repair: Not offering at this time
The A06B-1463-B123#0121 is an AC SPNDL MDL A1.5/22000IT, FLANGE, SLK, REAR, MZI. This product is part of the A06B-1463 series.

This product is available, but availability may vary, so it is recommended to call for further information. The option for core exchange is available for this product, though it is not a mandatory requirement. However, at this time, repair services are not being offered for this product.

The abbreviation "AC SPNDL MDL" stands for AC spindle model, indicating that this product is an AC spindle model A1.5/22000IT. The "FLANGE" abbreviation refers to the flange mount feature of this product, which allows for easy mounting and installation. The "SLK" abbreviation signifies that this product features a slick shaft, which ensures smooth and precise operation.

The "REAR" abbreviation suggests that this product is intended for rear installation. This can be beneficial in certain applications where space constraints or design requirements call for rear mounting.

The "MZI" abbreviation does not have a specific meaning in this context. It could be a specific designation or feature that is particular to this product model. It is advisable to consult the manufacturer or product documentation for further details on the MZI abbreviation and its implications.

Overall, the A06B-1463-B123#0121 AC SPNDL MDL A1.5/22000IT, FLANGE, SLK, REAR, MZI offers a specialized solution for applications that require an AC spindle with specific features and mounting options. Its slick shaft, flange mount, and rear installation capability make it a versatile choice for various industrial applications. However, it is important to note that repair services are not currently available for this product.

Repair Specific Instructions:

We offer repair services for this part. When you purchase this option online:
  1. What you pay today is the cost of shipping and the flat-rate repair fee (if applicable)
  2. We will provide you with a shipping label and a parts shipper – be sure to include the parts shipper in the box.
  3. Once the checkout process has been completed you should expect two emails - an order confirmation email and a second email with your shipping label and important instructions.
  4. Once the part arrives at our office, we will contact you with additional information – if flat-rate repair is not available we will provide you with a separate repair quote.