

Part Title:


Part Number: 6SL3120-1TE23-0AA3
Product Series: 6SL3120-1

Availability: Call for availability
Core Exchange: Optional
Repair: Yes
The 6SL3120-1TE23-0AA3 - SINAMICS S120 SINGLE MOTOR MODULE is a versatile and high-performance product designed to meet the diverse needs of various industries. With its advanced features and reliable performance, this motor module is a valuable addition to any industrial setup.

Part of the renowned SINAMICS S120 series, this motor module is known for its exceptional productivity and efficiency. It offers seamless integration with other components, allowing for smooth operation and optimal performance. The 6SL3120-1TE23-0AA3 is a single motor module from the 6SL3120-1 series, known for its reliability and durability.

With its easy installation process and user-friendly interface, this module ensures a hassle-free experience for users. The availability of a repair option further enhances its value, providing customers with the assurance that any issues can be resolved promptly.

The 6SL3120-1TE23-0AA3 motor module features a tapered shaft (TPR) design, allowing for easy and secure connection to other components. Additionally, it comes with a key (Key) for added stability, ensuring that the module stays securely in place during operation.

Equipped with a slick shaft (SLK), this motor module enables smooth and efficient movement, reducing friction and enhancing overall performance. Its brake (BRK) feature adds an extra layer of safety by allowing for quick and controlled stopping when necessary.

Designed with a straight (ST) configuration, this motor module offers flexibility in terms of positioning and alignment. Its incremental encoder (INC) ensures accurate and precise control, allowing for precise speed and position monitoring.

Furthermore, this module comes with a flange mount (FLANGE) option, allowing for easy installation and integration into existing setups. Its model (MDL) is 6SL3120-1TE23-0AA3, known for its exceptional quality and performance.

In conclusion, the 6SL3120-1TE23-0AA3 - SINAMICS S120 SINGLE MOTOR MODULE is a reliable and efficient product that provides exceptional performance for various industrial applications. With its advanced features, ease of installation, and repair option, this motor module is a valuable asset for any industrial setup.

Repair Specific Instructions:

We offer repair services for this part. When you purchase this option online:
  1. What you pay today is the cost of shipping and the flat-rate repair fee (if applicable)
  2. We will provide you with a shipping label and a parts shipper – be sure to include the parts shipper in the box.
  3. Once the checkout process has been completed you should expect two emails - an order confirmation email and a second email with your shipping label and important instructions.
  4. Once the part arrives at our office, we will contact you with additional information – if flat-rate repair is not available we will provide you with a separate repair quote.